Within the Regional Government of Castile – La Mancha, a number of regional ministries have a direct responsibility on supporting R&D.
The Directorate General of Universities, Research and Innovation (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports) has the following competences: carrying out general R&D policies, as well as funding programmes and incentives for R&D, including the development and promotion of infrastructure and services to support research, development and innovation, as well as coordinating the relationships with the Science and Technology Park of Castile – La Mancha.
To carry out all these functions, the Research and Innovation Agency of Castilla-La Mancha (INNOCAM) has been set up, whose mission will be to promote scientific and technical research, to monitor the funded actions and their impact, as well as to advise the Regional Government in the planning of its R&D&I actions and initiatives. In addition, INNOCAM will coordinate the Regional R&D&I Plan, which will have more than 1,100 million euros over the next four years, both public and private.
The autonomous body IRIAF (Regional Institute of Investigation and Development of Agro-Food of Castile – La Mancha) is attached to the regional Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development. All the research on agro-food which is not included in IRIAF is coordinated from the Directorate General of Rural Development.
The Directorate General of Economy, Competitiveness and Trade, from the Regional Ministry of Economy, Businesses and Employment, is responsible for creating and managing funding and incentive programmes with the aim of promoting the establishing, updating of the industrial network and innovation, as well as creating and promoting infrastructures and supporting services for innovation.
To this end, the Programme INNOVA ADELANTE has been created.