“Fostering the development of strategic sectors of specialization in Castile – la Mancha”
Innova Adelante
- Supporting business innovation in Castile – La Mancha.
- Promoting collaborative business strategies.
- Developing strategic sectors of intelligent specialization.
Technology Fund
Invest in Spain receives part of the European Union FEDER funds for the promotion of R&D in foreign – backed companies. These are administered through the ‘Scheme for foreign backed companies investments in R&D‘.
The main aim of these funds is to promote the development of new R&D activities on the side of foreign – backed companies established in Spain or wishing to do so. They will attract ‘greenfield’ projects with great technological content. Likewise, they will help consolidate excellence centres of big foreign companies already established in Spain.
The Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) is a Public Business Entity, under the Ministry of Science and Innovation, which promotes innovation and technological development of Spanish companies. It offers various grants for R&D&I projects, which can be consulted in the following guide.