Training and Employment

Training and Employment

Castilla-La Mancha has the best incentives for hiring and training employees. Our services adapt your company’s specific needs for hiring and training.

Candidate recruitment service

  • A placement service tailored to the needs of each company.
  • From the classification of candidates to their pre-selection.

Subsidies for the training of workers

  • Training plans for employed persons (Modality I).
  • Training plans for unemployed persons (Modality II).
  • Dual training programs.

Hiring Incentives

  • Promotion of indefinite-term contracts.
  • Promotion of indefinite-term contracts for people with disabilities.
  • Return of Talent Program.
  • Youth Employment.
  • INVESTIGO Program.

Training incentives

Training plans for employed persons (Modality I)

Subsidies for the implementation of professional training actions for employment, aimed at employed workers. Click here to consult the call for proposals and all related documentation.

Training plans for unemployed people (Modality II)

Subsidies for the implementation of professional training actions for employment, aimed at unemployed workers. One of the modalities involves a hiring commitment. All the information in the following link.

Dual training programs

Five types of programs aimed at favoring the labor insertion and training of people, combining vocational training for employment in the workplace with actual work in the company.

Hiring incentives

Promotion of indefinite-term contracts

Different aid programmes to promote the hiring of workers, focusing on those groups with the greatest difficulties in accessing the labour market.

All the information in the following link.

Promotion of the permanent hiring of people with disabilities

Regulated by Decree 112/2022, of October 11, endowed with one and a half million euros, grants of up to €9,500 are offered for each worker hired.

Within the framework of this decree, the following subsidy lines are established:

  • Line 1: Aid for initial indefinite-term contracts and for the transformation of temporary contracts for disabled workers into indefinite-term contracts.
  • Line 2: Aid for the adaptation of the workplace for disabled workers.
  • Line 3: Aid for the initial indefinite-term contracting of disabled workers who have special difficulties in accessing the ordinary labor market.
  • Line 4: Aid to defray the salary and Social Security costs of the labor trainer, who will carry out the actions of guidance and individualized accompaniment in the workplace, to workers with disabilities, who present special difficulties for access to the ordinary labor market.

All the information in the following link.

Return of Talent Program

This program aims to promote the return of educated citizens from Castilla-La Mancha, who had to emigrate and seek employment opportunities outside the region.

It has three lines of support:

  • Line 1: Subsidies for indefinite-term contracts, aimed at companies and entities that hire citizens of Castilla-La Mancha, who have lived or worked abroad, in order to facilitate their return and incorporation into the labor market of Castilla-La Mancha.
  • Line 2: Grants for the start of entrepreneurial activity, aimed at citizens of Castilla-La Mancha who have lived or worked abroad and want to develop an economic activity on their own account in the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha, in order to compensate the start-up costs of the activity faced by all entrepreneurs.
  • Line 3: The "Return Passport" is aimed at citizens of Castilla-La Mancha who, residing abroad, wish to return to the region and establish their habitual residence there. The "Pasaporte de vuelta" is a title that carries an associated economic aid, which is intended to cover the travel expenses that such return originates.

All the information in the following link.

Youth Employment

Decree 103/2022, of September 13, regulates the direct granting of subsidies aimed at facilitating access to a first quality job for unemployed persons in Castilla-La Mancha, through the following lines of action:

  • Line 1: Aid for the formalization of alternating training contracts, the purpose of these contracts being to favor the labor insertion of young people through their professional qualification in a regime of alternating paid labor activity in companies.
  • Line 2: Aid for the formalization of training contracts for obtaining professional practice, the purpose of such contracts being to favor the obtaining by workers of a professional practice appropriate to the corresponding levels of studies.
  • Line 3: Aid for the formalization of relief contracts, whose purpose is to promote generational replacement in companies in Castilla-La Mancha.
  • Line 4: Aid for the transformation into indefinite-term contracts of alternating training contracts, training contracts for obtaining professional practice and relief contracts, and for the indefinite-term hiring of persons who have terminated their employment relationship, through training or relief contracts, in the same company or group of companies, in the six months prior to the indefinite-term hiring.

All the information in the following link.


Regulated by Order 190/2021, this program aims to promote the labor insertion of young job seekers, aged 16 or older and who have not reached the age of 30 at the time of starting the contractual relationship, by research and knowledge dissemination organizations, public universities, technology centers, science and technology parks, public entities subject to private law and private non-profit entities, together with companies that are investing in research and innovation belonging to the public or private sector, in the implementation of research and innovation initiatives.

It covers labor and salary costs, including social security contributions for all concepts, as well as travel assistance. The grants can reach up to 33,108.92 euros per person hired and year of hiring, depending on the Social Security contribution group.

There will be a new call for applications in 2023.

All the information in the following link.