Castilla-La Mancha has the best incentives for hiring and training employees. Our services adapt your company’s specific needs for hiring and training.
Training and Employment
Candidate recruitment service
- A placement service tailored to the needs of each company.
- From the classification of candidates to their pre-selection.
Subsidies for the training of workers
- Training plans for employed persons (Modality I).
- Training plans for unemployed persons (Modality II).
- Dual training programs.
Hiring Incentives
Different aid programmes to promote the hiring of workers, focusing on those groups with the greatest difficulties in accessing the labour market.
Training incentives
Training plans for employed persons (Modality I)
Subsidies for the implementation of professional training actions for employment, aimed at employed workers. Click here to consult the call for proposals and all related documentation.
Training plans for unemployed people (Modality II)
Subsidies for the implementation of professional training actions for employment, aimed at unemployed workers. One of the modalities involves a hiring commitment. All the information in the following link.
Dual training programs
Several programmes aimed at favouring the labour insertion and training of people, combining vocational training for employment in the workplace with actual work in the company. All the information in the following link.
Hiring incentives
Different aid programmes to promote the hiring of workers, focusing on those groups with the greatest difficulties in accessing the labour market.
All the information in the following link.