Castile – La Mancha occupies a leading position within the Spanish food and agriculture industry, especially with regard to its wine, olive oil, vegetables, fresh meat and meat products, cheese and dairy products.
Food & Agriculture
- Wine
First region in the world because of the extension dedicated to vineyards.
It represents 49.6% of the overall Spanish vine and around 7% of the world vine (2015).
- Olive Oil
It is the second region in terms of production of virgin olive oil, representing 7% of the national production and 3% of world production.
4 Designations of Origin.
- Fruit and vegetables
The production of fruit and vegetable has a remarkable socioeconomic effect, being the main national producers of garlic, onion and melon.
- Cheese and dairy products
The Queso Manchego DO covers an area of 44,000 km2.
798 farms and 520,000 Manchega breed of sheep produce 60 million litres of milk a year, of which 92.5% are used to make Manchego cheese (2015).
- Meat sector
It is a very dynamic sector currently growing, with a great innovative development in terms of healthy products adapted to the new demands of society.
Investment opportunities
- Agri-food logistics.
- All types of food, from I to V range.
- Packaging.
- All eco-food related productions.