Two years ago, the Castilla-La Mancha government passed the Law for Urgent Action for the Declaration of Priority Projects. Since then, 12 strategic “priority” projects have been launched in the Castilla-La Mancha region, three of them by companies with foreign capital: Skydweller, Schütz and Linde Gas.
This law aims to create a framework for preferential processing and administrative streamlining and simplification that will allow attracting business projects and investments that have been declared a priority.
In other words, it aims to contribute to the revitalization of economic activity in Castilla-La Mancha through the simplification of administrative procedures and the creation of support instruments for priority projects.

Schütz Ibérica Company
Conditions for classifying a project as a priority:
- Projects that contribute significantly to the revitalization of economic activity in the region or belong to the strategic economic sectors due to their special importance for the economic, social and territorial development of Castilla-La Mancha are considered priority projects.
- In addition, they must contribute to the creation of jobs in the region within the thresholds established in Article 5 of the Law.
Benefits for projects classified as priority:
- Priority administrative processing: administrative deadlines will be reduced by 50%.
- Obtaining urban qualification: if the project is to be implemented in rural areas.
- Preferential access to subsidies.
- Business Support Unit: information, support and promotion unit, both for the projects to be declared priorities in Castilla-La Mancha Region and for the coordination, monitoring and promotion of the projects already declared as such.
- Special economic incentive measures: for example, the possibility of complementing other aid provided by the Ministry of Economy, or preferential access to CLM Junta de Comunidades funding.
- Declaration of public benefit or social interest.
These are the 12 priority projects that have been initiated in the region since the adoption of this Regional Ordinance:
- Recycling plant for laminate PET, promoted by the company RepetCo Innovations in the industrial park Romica IV in Albacete.
- Production of solar drones by the company Skydweller in Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real).
- Parque Logístico Seseña I, promoted by the commercial company Carreras Grupo Logístico and processed by the Ministry of Public Works.
- Chemical recycling plant, promoted by Preco Puertollano in the industrial area of La Nava II
- Packaging plant for organic products in Almonacid del Marquesado (Cuenca), promoted by the start-up company Bio Unicorn.
- Plant for the production of industrial containers for the transport and storage of materials, promoted by the multinational company Schütz Ibérica in the city of Cazalegas in Toledo.
- Environmental plant for waste treatment and energy use, as well as electrical infrastructures, promoted by the company Gestcompost on several plots of land in the industrial area of Belinchón (Cuenca).
- Plant for the production of liquid air gas (oxygen, nitrogen and argon) in Torija (Guadalajara), promoted by Linde Gas Spain.
- Plant for the treatment of industrial waste oils, promoted by the European Agency for Waste Treatment Costa Azahar in the industrial area of the city of Montalbo in Cuenca.
- Project for broadband connections, promoted by Fibra Medios Telecom in 29 municipalities in the province of Albacete.
- Project for broadband lines promoted by the company Antenas y Sistemas de Comunicaciones in 67 localities in the province of Guadalajara.
- Broadband lines project promoted by the company Adamo Telecom Iberia in 44 municipalities in the province of Ciudad Real and 54 in the province of Toledo.