The call for 2022 of the ‘Programme for Investment by Foreign Companies in R&D Activities’ by ICEX Spain Export and Investments’ is open until November 12, 2021 at 23:59.
The aim of this call is to award grants for 2022 for the implementation of actions to promote R&D in companies with foreign capital that intend to establish themselves in Castilla-La Mancha, or in companies that are already operating and want to start and expand their R&D activities, contributing to improving the competitiveness and productivity of the regional economy.
For the purposes of this call, a foreign capital company is understood as one that has a foreign direct investment (FDI) share of at least 10%. It is understood that the FDI is made by a legal entity established abroad or by a natural person not resident in Spain, provided that this investment represents at least 10% of the share capital of the said applicant company. Similarly, the requirement of at least 10 % share of foreign investment shall be deemed to be met if such investment is made directly in the capital of the applicant company or if such foreign investment is achieved indirectly through participation in the capital of a third entity which in turn participates in the capital of the applicant company.
The quantity perceived per beneficiary may reach up to a total of EUR 200,000 over a period of three consecutive fiscal years (the “minimum aid” regime) and is calculated as a percentage of the investment made (State Aid Guidelines I + D + i (2014 / C 198/01)). The amount of the financial aid depends on the size of the company and the nature of the project.
The eligible period will run from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 (at 23:59 local time on that date).
Applications must be submitted through the ICEX Virtual Office (, which can be accessed through the ICEX websites at and INVEST IN SPAIN www according to the model available for this grant.
The Invest in Spain website has more information about the call as well as annexes, documentation and how to process applications. If you need to know more about the process.