Castilla-La Mancha offers great incentives for hiring professionals and workers from different sectors. The services we offer from Invest in CLM are adapted to the specific recruitment needs of each company.
- Return of Talent Program
Grants for people returning to Castilla-La Mancha from abroad. Either for their permanent recruitment, for the start of entrepreneurial activity or the support associated with their return.
Grant lines:
LINE 1: Subsidies for permanent recruitment aimed at companies and institutions that recruit citizens of Castilla-La Mancha who have lived or worked abroad, in order to facilitate their return and integration into the region’s labor market.
LINE 2: Grants for starting an entrepreneurial activity: aimed at citizens of Castilla-La Mancha who have lived or worked abroad and wish to develop their own economic activity in Castilla-La Mancha.
LINE 3: “Return Passport”: aimed at citizens of Castilla-La Mancha who have been living abroad and wish to return to the region and establish their normal residence there.
- COVID-19 Check.
Subsidies to promote the hiring of unemployed people whose employment contracts have been terminated due to the crisis caused by COVID -19.
- Transitional check
Employment contracts, regardless of their modality, can be granted for people who hold the “Transitional Check” (granted to people who have participated in one of the mandatory training programs) and who, at the time of recruitment, are registered as jobseekers in an employment office in Castilla-La Mancha.
- Qualification and integration of the unemployed
Grants to companies and non-profit organizations for the implementation of training and learning contracts, internship contracts, auxiliary contracts and the conversion of these contracts into open-ended contracts.
- Promotion of stable and quality jobs
Subsidies to promote stable and quality jobs through initial permanent employment contracts, the conversion of temporary contracts into permanent contracts and the conversion of part-time contracts into full-time contracts, provided that the contract is permanent.
Grant Lines:
LINE 1: Aid for the permanent recruitment of unemployed persons.
LINE 2: Aid for the conversion of temporary contracts into open-ended contracts.
LINE 3: Aid for the conversion of part-time open-ended contracts into full-time open-ended contracts.
- Support for the permanent employment of people with disabilities
Grant Lines:
LINE 1: Support for permanent employment and conversion of temporary contracts of workers with disabilities to permanent contracts.
LINE 2: Adaptation of the workplace or provision of personal protective equipment and removal of barriers or obstacles that prevent the work to be carried out or make work difficult.
LINE 3: Promotion of the transition from protected jobs to the regular labor market through the permanent recruitment of workers with disabilities who have particular difficulties in accessing the labor market.
- Integration of young people into the labor market
Subsidies to regulate the direct granting of aid for the formalization of employment contracts of a duration of at least 6 months, their conversion into open-ended contracts or initial open-ended contracts with young people registered in the National Youth Guarantee System, in sectors of activity related to the green economy, circular economy, sustainability, ecological transition and/or digital development.
Grant lines:
LINE 1: Grants for the formalization of work contracts of a duration of at least 6 months.
LINE 2: Aid for the formalization of open-ended contracts.
LINE 3: Aid for the conversion of fixed-term contracts previously subsidized under line 1 into open-ended contracts.