Newsletter third edition Javier Rosell
New edition of the Invest In CLM Newsletter
Dear readers,

Both our President, Emiliano García-Page Sánchez, and our Minister of Economy, Business and Employment, Patricia Franco Jiménez, have highlighted in the previous editions the attractions of our region as a destination for foreign investments, with our community registering an increase of 69.4% in these investments in absolute terms in the last year, which places us as the sixth fastest growing autonomous community.
Our region offers several reasons to invest in it, including its strategic location, its competitive workforce, modern infrastructure and the wide availability of industrial land prepared for the rapid implementation of new companies and for expanding the productive capacity of companies that are already installed in our territory. It is also worth mentioning the policies offered by our Government in relation to supporting the promotion of employment and training.
These reasons indicate why foreign companies invest in our community and the increase of reinvestment projects. Some relevant examples are the German company BASF, which has opened a training center in its Cabanillas del Campo center or the FM Logistic group, which will expand its logistics platform in Illescas and, consequently, will move its headquarters.
Similarly, it should be noted that the Government of Castilla-La Mancha is already working on the new 2020-2023 Plan which is due to be implemented in January, and will update the business support initiative that was launched for 2016-2019, in which internationalization occupies a central role and that set up a business strengthening strategy, being decisively committed to attracting foreign investment business projects.
Finally, I would like to announce the launch of the improved website, that seeks to improve the online positioning of Castilla-La Mancha as an investment destination while collecting and expanding on all the relevant information for companies looking to move here on one site, from the availability of industrial land to information on grants and incentives. This website we will also include news about our region in terms of attracting investments, with information on actions such as that recently made during the Anuga Fair in Germany or the upcoming presentations planned in Mexico City and Monterrey this November.
I hope you find the information in this newsletter to be of interest, which values the potential of our region for all the initiatives that can be carried out, added to the absolute availability of our government to help them set up their business in out region.
I hope you find the information in this newsletter to be of interest, which values the potential of our region for all the initiatives that can be carried out, added to the absolute availability of our government to help them set up their business in out region.
Javier Rosell Pérez
Director General of Companies
Director General of Companies